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Autor Téma: Helda se Asistentka reditele/ Sekretarka  (Prečítané 19744 krát)

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Príspevkov: 1

« : August 05, 2016, 01:45:13 pm »

Experienced PA to Director of a small well-established construction business in South West London is required

Proficiency in English language verbal and written is a must.

Start mid August, 6 hours a day, Mon – Fri only, 9.00 am to 3.00 pm.

Self employed and live locally maximum 30 minutes away from Tooting Broadway station.

We do not require any construction or building experience however a good attitude towards the industry is desirable.

•   Book keeping
•   Diary Management, also initiate the start
•   Liaising with staff, suppliers and clients over the phone and email
•   Tax administration, dealing with HMRC and the accountant
•   Staff wage remuneration and administration
•   Filling, photocopying, scanning and other miscellaneous duties
•   Ensure office is well-maintained and always clean

Person Specification and Candidates must:
•   Must be proficient in English as dealing with high profile clients
•   Understand the basics of accounts
•   Some experience in dealing with tax administration and HMRC
•   Excellent customer service
•   Quick learner
•   Self-employed
•   Great organisational and prioritising skills
•   Financial acumen with attention to detail
•   Good ability to work with Word and Excel

If you meet the requirements please send your CV in English language only to thelondonkitchenextensions[zavináč] with attention to Roman Cmiel, The London Kitchen Extensions. References required.
Strán: [1]   Hore
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